Duckling Disaster
The ducklings appear to have doubled in size in about a week. Nothing scientific -- it's not like I weighed or measured them or anything -- but they are noticeably bigger! They instinctively kept close to the big ones in the duck house, and by the end of the first night the big ones were sitting on the little ones to keep them warm. Although I really don't think the big ones did it by choice, I think they just gave up out of sheer exhaustion from being chased around by the little ones inside their house for hours. We kept the little ones in the duck house for a few days, and finally herded them outside for a few minutes to get the lay of the land, each day allowing a little more time outside with the big ones. Tori (our lovable canine companion) has been the most excited out of anyone about the new babies. She was in the car with us when we brought them home from Tractor Supply, after all. Anytime they make noise she wants to go outside and check on them...