New Year Resolutions 2018

Well, the GoFundMe campaign brought in a grand total of zero dollars to file articles of incorporation on January 1, 2018.  As soon as my beginning emergency fund is completed with $2500, I will start using that 10% of my income to fund HUGS, and grow from there.  I think it was Mike Tyson who said "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face." So it looks like my goal of officially starting a non-profit will happen after my tax return comes in. Until then I'll keep saving seeds, learning, growing, and dreaming.

The ducks finally decided to lay eggs.  We bought them 9 months ago and they were already fully matured, so I figured they were just too old or they were both males.  But then we went on vacation and my mom found two big, white eggs in the duck house while we were gone.  Then another one, and another one, and still another one.  They've been pretty consistent at one a day for the past week so we're hoping this trend continues!

Speaking of trends continuing, I've decided that 2018 will continue the wicking bed experiment that was started in 2017, only this time a bit more evolved.  Florida heat is disastrous for most vegetables, so having continual access to a water reservoir has proven successful.  Now we're going to try solar powered hydroponics to see if this success can be continued.  And naturally, I want to try it with duck water, because that's the only thing I've been using to fertilize since the feathered friends got here.

Additionally, after watching several YouTube videos about backyard food forests, and reading Jane Goodall's Seeds of Hope, it seems that plants might be more successful if grown in large groupings, rather than individually. So look for more pictures as the garden multiplies!

On a personal note, I've decided to use 50% of my leftover money each month to finish my kitchen so I can sell this house and move a property that's a bit larger and a bit more rural.  I'm going to call it Full Circle Farms.


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