I used this recipe for my first attempt at bird seed ornaments.  Okay, well not that recipe *exactly*... I tried using my mama's cookie press to form the shapes, but the gelatin just gooped out all over the counter -- it was a disaster.  But I didn't give up!  I just grabbed the closest candle holder and turned it upside down on a pile of goopy bird seed and pressed it into something like a shape.  The principal was the same, but the picture doesn't do them justice... they're so much uglier in person I gave them to my mama! 

For my second attempt I went to the dollar store and bought actual cookie cutters.  Those came out much better, but I was so *not* confident I didn't even bother saving space for the thread hole.  Turns out wrapping the outside of the ornament tightly with twine in an attempt to hang them up will only cause them to crumble, so no pictures of those.

The third attempt is setting now.  This time I used straws to act as a place-holder for the thread holes.  I filled the cookie cutters with bird seed, THEN poured the gelatin over the top in an attempt to get an even coating all the way through. 


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