
Showing posts from November, 2017
Working on an idea to raise money: outdoor tree ornaments made from seed paper!  Some seeds to consider planting in your Central Florida garden during December are: parsley thyme sage dill fennel cilantro celery cauliflower lettuce cabbage carrot
These are the seeds I encountered and saved today.  Each of these tiny kernels has the power to germinate an entire forest! 
Urban Agroecoloy: 6,000 lbs of food on 1/10th acre - Urban Homestead - Urban Permaculture
Plant Abundance YouTube Channel
Justin Rhodes' YouTube Channel
We see them but we don't like to think about them.  We prefer to look away or stare straight ahead when they pass by our window holding a cardboard sign asking for help.  The same folks, on the same corner, almost every single day.  People so similar to us, it's scary to admit it.  "We could be them."  And yet we are them . Homestead and Urban Garden Society is an idea founded from the love of teaching people how to grow their own food.  We are rooted in the belief that if you give a person food, they will eat once that day, but if you teach a person to grow and cultivate their own food, they will eat well for a lifetime. This first fundraising campaign is will be used to file the Articles of Incorporation (Non-Profit) in the State of Florida on January 1, 2018. Our five year plan starts with seeds - saving, storing, and sharing them; encouraging others to do the same and sending saved seeds to us for disbursement.  We will be putting toge...